Your Brilliant Career Podcast

The go-to resource for getting the most out of your career

This podcast provides an injection of energy and practical insights to women who are committed to their career. I share tactics, tools and stories that inspire capable women to think bigger and unapologetically achieve the success they deserve.

One of my early realisations was that there are many unwritten rules about career success that no one tells you. Smart women are tired of generic career tips. They want accessible, relevant and practical tips. Each episode includes content that inspires women to step up in their career and experience the energy and reward of being more.

Your Brilliant Career is a podcast that aims to help more women rise and reach new heights in their career.



It can be a limiting belief to buy into the idea that introverts are disadvantaged at work. This is simply not the truth and I'll be debunking this myth.

In this episode, I want to demonstrate the superpowers introverts have and reveal four accessible, relevant and practical strategies to help you amplify your accomplishments and be seen at work. This episode is about celebrating the introvert

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Links we talked about on the podcast include:

RISE Accelerate program:

FREE GUIDE The relationship map:

Susan Cain's survey... Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Beth Buelow's The Introvert Entrepeneur:

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Your transcript

[00:00:00] Gillian: I remember feeling disappointed the day I realized I was an introvert. Would it limit my opportunities to be seen and heard at work? How on earth was I to compete with the more dominant personalities that I was surrounded by in the media industry at that time?

[00:00:15] It can be a limiting belief to buy into the idea that introverts are disadvantaged at work. When I'm coaching women, I find they are quick to label themselves as introvert and frame it in a way that is a career handicap. They say, I couldn't possibly do that because I'm an introvert, or my work is full of extroverts.

[00:00:37] I have no chance. And this is simply not the truth. One third of the population are introverts, and many experience extraordinary success in their work and life. So today's episode is celebrating the introvert and exploring how to be seen and heard at work. Let's dive in.

[00:00:58] Welcome to another episode of the Your Brilliant Career podcast. I hope you're doing well. I'm going to dive straight in today. I want to start off by debunking the idea that being an introvert makes you a misfit or limits you.

[00:02:00] So the greatest limitation you can have as an introvert is to concede to the thought that it will hinder or not help your career progress.

[00:02:08] I want to demonstrate the superpowers introverts have and reveal some strategies to help you amplify your accomplishments and be seen at work. Now early on, I have to fess up in my career, I too thought it was a huge disadvantage to being an introvert and I didn't believe I had the natural capacity to speak up in crowded rooms or be seen in the business environment in the way I wanted, the way I saw others commanding respect.

[00:02:37] However, over time, and it did take time, I adapted because I knew I had to dial it up in some business situations. I learned how to be what is called a situational extrovert. I could give more in specific situations. I know a lot of introverts have finessed this skill and it has supported their careers, and it is available to you too.

[00:03:00] What I want to do is acknowledge, before we kind of dive into all of this today, I know there are different levels of being an introvert. And if you're an extreme introvert, it’s a lot more work to dial up. I acknowledge that, but the more you practice, especially in key business moments, the better you'll get at it.

[00:03:17] And I know what we're going to cover today will be super helpful. For me, I remember the incredible fatigue that I'd feel after a big presentation or networking event. I still experience it to some extent, you know, after delivering a keynote or a workshop. I don't want to talk to another human for a while.

[00:03:40] I just need to recalibrate. and the other day I was delivering a couple of workshops in the city. So it was a pretty big day for me on my feet speaking. And let me tell you at the end of that day, all I wanted was a cup of tea and a lie down. Yeah. I just needed to decompress and have some peace to recalibrate back to me.

[00:04:03] But here's the most important part. And you can do that, right? Like, I think that's a very doable thing. It doesn't stop you from performing and achieving the things that you want, and I love this idea of practicing being a situational extrovert because it feels so much more accessible. For me, my presenting was a great vehicle and motivation to do this because it was such an important part of my business.

[00:04:24] But I'm sure you have things that are important to you too, that will motivate you to, to work harder in this space over time. And I really want to make this point here. I did do the work and over time, I learned to not only present with confidence and ease, but to articulate my ideas, engage with my audience, take the lead in discussions.

[00:04:48] And I share that because I want to plant this idea of possibility in there for you too. If you struggle speaking up and having the visibility that you want because you're an introvert, I want you to know that you can achieve great things too. You can do this. So before we delve into this content together, let me just take a moment to define what an introvert is, because I feel that often discussions about introverts and extroverts, they oversimplify the complexity and value of each.

[00:05:20] You know, one of my favourite descriptors that I heard many, many years ago now, but it just resonated with me was this, extroverts get energy from people and introverts get energy from being by themselves. I could relate to that because it's that moment of, you know, running, running away and recalibrating.

[00:05:39] But if we look up the term introvert, it states that an introvert is someone who finds solitude energising, often preferring more space than most for contemplation. They tend to process their thoughts internally. May be more reserved in social settings and value meaningful interactions over superficial engagements.

[00:06:01] Introverts are known for their thoughtful, introspective approach to life and work. How interesting, right? Now, if you're listening and you're wondering if you're an introvert, and it's interesting that you're drawn to this episode. So if you haven't put the line in the sand, you might be curious. And if you do fancy exploring and qualifying this, you can take this fabulous survey to determine if you fall into the one-third of the population that identifies as introvert.

[00:06:31] And I'll include this survey link in the show notes, so you can check it out, but it's a really simple survey and it's based on the work of Susan Cain, who authored a terrific book and it is called Quiet, the Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking. How good is that title? I love that.

[00:06:52] Kind of sums it all up, right? But if you want to give the quiz a try. It's a fun way to gain insights into your personality. and Susan Cain does a great job in her book celebrating introverts. and I want to take a moment to remind you of their superpowers, if you like. The things that really serve introverts really well.

[00:07:14] Yeah. So firstly, introverts are excellent listeners. I bet you knew that one already. An author, Beth Buelow, I think that's how you pronounce her name. She wrote a book called The Introvert Entrepreneur, but she believes introvert strengths is their incredible capacity to listen and observe. They excel in attentive listening.

[00:07:35] And in her book, she says, you know, introverts tend to be the friend or the colleague that you call when you're or, or maybe when you have good news to share, because we listen, and we listen in a way without turning it around and making it about us. And that my friends is a lovely quality. It truly is.

[00:07:59] [00:08:00] It also allows us to, when I say us, introverts, to think more deeply and analyse things and that is another clear benefit. I mean, if you noticed when you've been at work, maybe in a meeting, that you've observed body language or subtle details in that meeting that allow you to understand a situation more deeply, you know, to join the dots, perhaps that little bit more than everyone else, and make conclusions that actually help you be more effective in the workplace. I feel introverts are very good at reading the room, you know, noticing the body language, the facial expressions, and quietly responding to that. I also think that introverts are great at thinking before they speak. So they don't just pour out that thought that is forming in their head.

[00:08:51] They carefully choose their words and they're mindful of the impact of their words. And when it comes to business and particularly those heated moments or those moments where you feel tested at work, the introvert is less likely to be impulsive. They are more poised under pressure. Well, at least they appear to be right.

[00:09:08] And that, and that is a plus for sure. And finally, I just want to make the point that it's important to note that introverts make great leaders. They really do. You know, while confident speakers and natural networkers is that they're often associated with extroverts, introverts possess, a unique capacity for intuition.

[00:09:28] I think it comes from their listening and observation skills, but because they don't crave that spotlight, like it's not the motivator if you like for them, introverts naturally excel at bringing people together to achieve a common goal. And if you look at people like Bill Gates, Guy Kowalski, Albert Einstein, Warren Buffett, Marissa Mayer.

[00:09:51] All introverts, right? All incredible. So, you know, we're a good company here. This is great. Now I want to talk about why it's important to make the effort to be seen and heard as an introvert in the workplace. Cause I know, it is effort, but I don't want you to dismiss this opportunity. And I get that you might be a phenomenal worker or trusted expert at work, but you also need to influence, have the right people on your side, manage your career strategically.

[00:10:19] Making the effort will make your career so much more worthwhile. So one clear benefit to you of doing all of this work is your capacity to influence. Being visible allows you to shape conversations and decisions in the workplace. It's not about bossing people around or being overly assertive, rather it's about making a positive impact and steering things in a direction that matters.

[00:10:46] The second thing, super important, is about opportunities. When you're visible, you know what? Doors swing open. It's the truth. When you're invisible, you are off the radar and people forget to include you or acknowledge you. So you don't get the credit, the recognition, the opportunity. But when you're visible, you're in the loop.

[00:11:09] You know, potentially for exciting projects or even a step-up opportunity or promotion. The third is networking. I know what's probably running through your head right now. It's that thing that gives the introvert a nervous twitch and I get that. I talk a lot about the value of creating what I call the right network in the RISE Accelerate program.

[00:11:31] No one teaches you this information. And it is a ridiculous notion that you need to network with every important person in the business. I mean, who has the time to do that? But being strategic about attracting the right people to help you in your career makes huge sense to me. And if that sounds like something that you want to do, then consider joining me on the next RISE program.

[00:11:54] Put your name down now. Onto the waiting list and we'll let you know when the doors open. There are always perks for people on the waiting list. So it's definitely worth doing that. and I will leave a link in the show notes so you have access to doing that. And if you have been flirting with the idea of getting some more energy and focus into your career, really do consider joining me in the next program.

[00:12:19] This is the kind of feedback we always get, that women love getting the tools and practical insights about how to manage their careers, build their confidence and become so much more savvy in the business environment.

[00:12:29] It’s a process of elevating yourself, and it can make such a difference in the way that you progress, but also feel about yourself. So I do feel introverts need to be thoughtful about the relationships they cultivate, probably more so than extroverts, because they need to do it in a way that doesn't exhaust them and we cover this in the program. So getting this right. Has a very clear ROI, and there's nothing not to love about that.

[00:13:07] Alrighty, so now let's chat about the four strategies to increase your visibility and confidence. So I've kind of, you know, worked through four things that I think will be really helpful, very practical to help you go about this.

[00:13:19] Now, as you know, I've been in the career advancement game for a while, helping women to progress their careers, and if there's one thing that I've picked up that is repeatedly thrown back at me, it's this… hard work is half the equation. The other half is ensuring people actually see it. Yeah. So how do you do that?

[00:13:41] Well, the first thing that you can do is what I call embrace visibility platforms. Now, these are a selection of things that take you away from your day to day and get you out of your little microcosm. It might be a fabulous stretch project that you get to work on. It could be presenting in a senior meeting or even representing your department in a company event.

[00:14:05] It is all about seeking platforms that increase your visibility and there are so many ways to do this. And it's okay to start small. If that feels more digestible, brilliant. Take that as a strategy for yourself. But set yourself some goals around this. And this is my recommendation, if you've got the appetite for it.

[00:14:26] Every quarter of 2024, make the commitment to yourself that you're going to seek out a visibility platform opportunity. It's going to feel like a bit of a stretch, but it's doable and you're going to commit to it and you're going to do it. Now, imagine if you follow through on that, you make that your mantra, your commitment for the year ahead.

[00:14:46] Think about what you could achieve if you pulled all of that up four super proud moments to reflect on and to have as all yours at the end of the year. Yep. So I love that. Okay. The next one is entitled identify influencers. Now, to be clear, these are people, in your area of the business that are important to your success.

[00:15:11] They may be a stakeholder who is one level above or maybe even two levels above you. You know, if you do great work for that person, it will give you the credibility in that area of the business. And that in turn will feed into potential new opportunities. Now, if you need a little head start here, like you have no idea how to identify the influences or where you should be spending time creating, relationships in your area of the business, I have a really simple activity that will, will help you here. And you can download my free guide. I will put that in the show notes too. It is called the relationship map and it's designed to help you identify where you need to put your time and energy in identifying the key players in your network.

[00:16:00] It is very simple, but it's an excellent way to get you moving and evaluate and identify the relationships you need to succeed. So maybe as an action step here, download the relationship map. It'll be in the show notes. It will take you about 10 minutes to complete, maybe 15, but really not that long.

[00:16:20] And once you've done that, I want you to identify two people. Super simple. And consider how you can start cultivating those relationships. Add value to them. Spend time with them. What do you need to do? The third strategy is called become the expert. Now to be clear, this isn't about taking on every task, but about being the expert in one or two areas.

[00:16:47] So when people think, who knows about X, your name should pop up, okay? So this idea is about you cultivating the reputation as an expert. Being the subject matter expert or the project expert and sharing that knowledge freely, okay? And how to go about this? Well, think about a specific area in your expertise that adds value to the business that is relevant to your work and that you like.

[00:17:14] I feel they're the three criteria that need to be considered here. They're equally important. And then build yourself up in this area. So let's say you decide that you want to be seen as the specialist or expert when it comes to understanding a new industry policy. Then to build yourself up in this area, you would commit to reading articles, and industry papers, to beef up on your knowledge.

[00:17:40] You might also reach out to other experts, be it in your organisation or outside. And the beauty of doing this is once you have this information, well then you can impart this valuable info like little drops of influence in your meetings and business conversations.

[00:17:56] Magic, huh? And very accessible.

[00:18:00] My final tip is about amplifying others. Now we all know that golden feeling when someone acknowledges our work in a meeting. It feels pretty nice, doesn't it? To be frank, it'd be lovely if it happened more often. Well, here I am saying to you, do it for others, recognising others, not only builds trust, but wait for it… It also creates an environment where others reciprocate. And can I add here when they do reciprocate with a compliment, and it's very likely they will, don't brush it off. Say, thank you. It was satisfying pulling that off. Oh, thanks. It was tough to get that done, but we're really happy it all came together.

[00:18:41] It's made it all worthwhile for me and the team. Like just take the compliment. It will come. So be ready, be ready. Alrighty. So there you have it. Four strategies. To boost your visibility and confidence in the workplace. And as you can see, it is a strategic approach.

[00:19:01] So to recap, the first is embrace visibility platforms by seeking opportunities that take you out of your comfort zone and consider if you're up for it, really do consider setting achievable quarterly goals. I think that'd be a great motivator.

[00:19:15] Next, network intelligently by identifying key influences in your field. Yep. Draw on the relationship map to identify and cultivate who those people might be.

[00:19:27] Third, become the expert in specific areas relevant to your work and then share your knowledge freely. This will not only enhance your reputation, but it'll also give you more visibility.

[00:19:38] And finally, amplify others. Yeah, by recognising and acknowledging their contribution, it's reciprocity at its best, nothing to lose there whatsoever. I hope today's episode has inspired some new thinking for you and provided focus areas, particularly visibility and making your value more visible in the organisation.

[00:20:04] There's nothing you can't pull off here. Like these tips are all accessible, relevant, and practical, and they are there for you. Give it a try, right? I want to see you keep progressing and pulling off great things at work and feeling great about yourself. Thank you for listening as always, and I will be back in a few weeks.