Breaking the Confidence Code: Three Strategies to Elevate Your Professional Presence

Sep 11, 2024

Confidence at work - it's that elusive trait we all strive for, yet it often feels like trying to catch lightning in a bottle. Some days we’ve got it, and on others, it seems to slip through our fingers. But here’s the truth: Confidence isn’t some magical quality bestowed upon a lucky few. It’s a skill that can be built, nurtured, and developed over time. Whether you're aiming to nail that big presentation or finally ask for that long-overdue promotion, boosting your confidence at work can make all the difference.

In my early career, I had moments where I felt like an imposter, doubting whether I was truly capable of making an impact. Over time, however, I discovered that confidence doesn’t just appear out of nowhere; it’s cultivated through deliberate actions and mindset shifts. So, if you’re ready to kick self-doubt to the curb, here are three simple steps to more confidence at work.

1. Learn How To Amplify Your Achievements

Let’s start with a question: When was the last time you genuinely celebrated one of your achievements at work? If you're anything like I was in my early career - or, frankly, most women I've coached - you probably brushed it off with a “just doing my job” attitude. But here’s the catch: The more you downplay your accomplishments, the more you start to believe they don’t really matter.

According to the Forbes Coaches Council, acknowledging and celebrating yourself more often doesn’t just feel good; it actually rewires your brain. Your brain is incredibly malleable, and positive thoughts about yourself create neural connections that get stronger every time you reinforce them. This means that the more you recognise your own achievements, the more you’ll start to truly believe in your capabilities and potential. Those who know me will tell you that this is something I do on a regular basis.

So, take a moment to jot down your recent wins, big or small, and reflect on how they contributed to your team or company’s success. By doing this, you're not just boosting your confidence in the short term; you're actually programming yourself to see more evidence of your brilliance. And trust me, it’s there, waiting for you to own it. 

2. Seek Out The Feedback You Need

I know, I know… feedback can be nerve-wracking. I used to avoid it at all costs! But here’s the thing: Constructive feedback is your best friend when it comes to building confidence. It’s like having a personal trainer for your career, helping you identify both your strengths and areas that need a little extra work.

According to a 2021 study published by Harvard Business Review, people who regularly seek out feedback are more likely to experience professional growth and increased confidence at work.

The trick is to ask for feedback regularly and from a variety of sources - your manager, peers, and even subordinates. By doing so, you get a well-rounded perspective of your performance and can make the necessary adjustments to enhance your skills and confidence. Try asking specific, feedback-oriented questions, for example, "How do you think I could have handled situation X better?" Such a simple question can often lead to more valuable feedback. And remember, feedback isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about celebrating what’s working, too. 

3. Stop Avoiding What Scares You

We’ve all heard that growth happens outside our comfort zones, and while that might sound cliché, it’s true. The more you challenge yourself with new experiences, the more you expand your skill set and boost your confidence in the process. In his widely celebrated research, social cognitive psychologist Albert Bandura found that taking on challenges significantly improves self-efficacy, which is closely tied to workplace confidence. This later became known as the ‘Self Effiicacy Theory’.

But let’s take a closer look at what this means for women in the workplace. For many women, stepping outside of the comfort zone can feel like a daunting task, especially in environments where they might already feel outnumbered or underestimated. The weight of perfectionism and the fear of making mistakes often hold us back, keeping us within the safe confines of what we already know we’re good at.

However, it’s precisely when we stretch beyond those boundaries - by volunteering for that high-stakes project, asking for more responsibility, or even voicing an innovative idea in a meeting - that we start to see a shift. These moments of stepping into the unknown are where real growth occurs. According to Bandura’s theory, the more we succeed in these challenging situations, the more our self-efficacy increases. In other words, each small victory helps build the confidence to tackle even bigger challenges down the road.

Here’s a tip: when you’re faced with the choice to step out of your comfort zone, ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” or “How will I feel in twelve months if I don’t take any action?” Often, the risks we perceive are much smaller than the opportunities we stand to gain.

For women, this is particularly powerful. By consistently pushing beyond our comfort zones, we not only build our own confidence but also challenge the stereotypes and biases that persist in male-dominated industries. We prove to ourselves—and to those around us—that we’re more than capable of handling the pressures and responsibilities of leadership roles. 

Final Thoughts

Building confidence at work is an ongoing process - it’s not something you achieve overnight. But by owning your achievements, seeking out feedback, and stepping outside your comfort zone, you’ll start to see a significant shift in how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Remember, confidence isn’t about being perfect; it’s about believing in your ability to succeed, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

If you need more tailored strategies or want to take your career to the next level, consider joining our RISE Accelerate program. It’s designed to help you build the skills and confidence you need to excel in your career. So, what are you waiting for? Start building that confidence today - you’ve got this!

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